About The Artist

There's something to be said about your 20's in that it seems you have so much time and have no idea of what to do with it. I had tried so many things and never felt sure of any of it until I tried being an artist. It is hands down the first thing I have ever felt sure of without question. When I was in junior high I took a career aptitude test that told me I was suppose to be an accountant and because I had no idea of what else I might want to do when I went to college you guessed it, I majored in accounting.

However during the course of my studies I grew to find that though I was able to do it, I by no means loved it so I switched to a more broad category to give myself opportunities in areas outside of accounting. With that being said my undergrad degree is in finance. After I graduated like so many of us I could not find a job for lack of experience so the first opportunity I got was an entry level accounting gig. I did that for a couple years and was absolutely miserable. So I quit and went on a soul searching journey that would eventually lead me to art.

As a child I was always into drawing and crafts so it wasn't a stranger to me but it was definitely something I had not done in a long time and I for certain had never tried painting outside of a classroom setting, but never the less there I was with a paint brush in hand and it was the most natural feeling I can recall. From there it has been quite a journey, definitely not absent of lows but balanced out with beautiful highs. Welcome to my page!

Media Highlights

VoyageMIA- Rising Stars

Interview with VoyageMIA Rising Stars Section

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Trapxart Digital Magazine

Interview covering various aspects of my paintings

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About The Artist

Laura Knight

Author, Artist, Artisan